
MHI publication and/or writings by Raya Dunayevskaya, in Spanish, Greek, Persian, Arabic, Chinese, Malay, Portuguese, Georgian, and Serbian



MHI Publications

Iniciativa Marxista-Humanista (2009)

Sobre la relevancia de El capital de Marx para la actualidad,” by Andrew Kliman; translation by Esteban Mercatante. First published in Ideas de Izquierda, número 18, abril 2015.

“La creciente resistencia contra el trumpismo comienza a hacer los Estados Unidos GRANDES de Nuevo: Millones se manifiestan para detener a Trump; las mujeres lideran las movilizaciones.” MHI editorial, “Gigantic Resistance Emerging Against Trumpism begins to make America GREAT again,” January 26, 2017 (excerpted). Flier distributed on International Women’s Day, March 8, 2017. Translation by Enrique López. Click here for flier.

No sólo a través de política: Pensando hacia un futuro post-capitalista  (2018)

El modelo del derrumbe de Henryk Grossman: sobre la causa real de la tendencia ficticia al derrumbe,” y la hoja de cálculo interactiva del archivo de Excel que acompaña el artículo. By Andrew Kliman; translation by A. Sebastián Hdez. Solorza of October 7, 2021 article in With Sober Senses. (The translation first appeared in Tiempos Criticós on November 2, 2021.)

Writings by Raya Dunayevskaya

El humanismo de Marx en la actualidad (1965)
From the collection edited by Erich Fromm, Socialist Humanism

Introducción especial a la edición mexicana de Marxismo y libertad (1975)

Las revoluciones latinoamericanas incompletas (1978)

Introducción a Rosa Luxemburgo, la liberación femenina y la filosofía marxista de la Revolución (1981)

Teorías de la revolución permanente (1981)
Chapter from Rosa Luxemburg, Women’s Liberation, and Marx’s Philosophy of Revolution, published in Críticas

La mujer como razón y fuerza revolucionaria (1982)
Pamphlet published by ALIMUPER, Lima, Peru, expanded second edition. Includes “Selecciones de Philosofia y revolución,” and a talk by Anne Molly Jackson

Una visión post II Guerra Mundial del humanismo de Marx 1843-1883. Humanismo marxista 1950s 1980s (1987)



MHI Publications

Σαν δύο σταγόνες νερό (2013)
Translation of “Two Peas in a Pod,” by Andrew Kliman and Anne Jaclard, published in With Sober Senses



MHI Publications

در اهميت كاپيتال ماركسبرای امروز, by آندرو كليمن (Andrew Kliman). Translated by حسن مرتضوی (Hassan Mortazavi). PDF of translation first published on the website. (The essay was first published in Spanish in Ideas de Izquierda; the English version, “On the Relevance of Marx’s Capital for Today,” was published in With Sober Senses.)

Writings by Raya Dunayevskaya

Nationalism, Communism, Marxist-Humanism, and the Afro-Asian Revolutions (1959)



Writings by Raya Dunayevskaya

Translation of Marxism and Freedom, 1776 Until Today (1958)
Published by the Victor Serge Foundation, 2010, re-published here with permission



Writings by Raya Dunayevskaya

The Challenge of Mao Tse-Tung (1964)
Chapter 17 of Dunayevskaya’s Marxism and Freedom. This chapter was added to the second edition, 1964, but was omitted from the Chinese edition of the book.



MHI Publications

Translation of “On the Roots of the Current Economic Crisis and Some Proposed Solutions” (2009), by Andrew Kliman. Translation by Aza Adam, May 2017.

Translation of “On the Relevance of Marx’s Capital for Today” (2015), by Andrew Kliman. Translation by Aza Adam, June 2017.



MHI Publications

Harvey versus Marx sobre as Crises do Capitalismo Parte 1: Entendendo Marx Erroneamente & Parte 2: Entendendo a Lucratividade Erroneamente, por Andrew Kliman (2015). (First English publication March 10 & 12, 2015 in New Left Project. Translated by Marcelo José de Souza e Silva.)

Sobre a Relevância de O Capital de Marx para Hoje, por Andrew Kliman (2015). Translated by Marcelo José de Souza e Silva. (First published in Spanish in Ideas de Izquierda; English version, “On the Relevance of Marx’s Capital for Today,” published in With Sober Senses.)



MHI Publications

Translation of “On the Relevance of Marx’s Capital for Today” (2015), by Andrew Kliman. Translated by Student Self-Organization Network.



MHI Publications

Kako Ne Procenjivati Relevantnost Marksovog Kapitala. Translation of How Not to Evaluate the Relevance of Marx’s Capital, by Andrew Kliman (2016). Translated by Miloš Tešanović, Marko Ćurčić, Aleksandra Petrović and Nenad Bradonjić.


More writings will be added to this page, so please check back.



Archives of Marxist-Humanism

Our website now features a page of Archives of Marxist-Humanism. It contains various writings by Raya Dunayevskaya and others. More material will be added in the future.

The full archive of Dunayevskaya’s works, The Raya Dunayevskaya Collection––some 17,000 pages in addition to her books, audios and videos––is housed in Wayne State University’s Archives of Labor and Urban Affairs, Walter P. Reuther Library in Detroit, MI 48202. The Guide to the Collection is available here, and the papers are on sale on microfilm from Wayne State. The Collection is now digitized here. Paper copies of the Guide and Supplemental Guide to the Collection are available from MHI upon special request.

Dunayevskaya’s books are not digitized; they are available for purchase through our Literature page along with some of her pamphlets and some writings by others.

December 4, 2009