Audio: MHI’s Discussion with OWS Activists and Thinkers

“6 Months of Occupy Wall Street:

Time for Theoretical & Practical Assessments”

MHI sponsored an open discussion entitled “6 Months of Occupy Wall Street: Time for Theoretical & Practical Assessments,” on March 23, 2012, in New York City.  The announcement for the meeting said,

“Mike Dola, Anne Jaclard, and other OWS activists and thinkers will lead off an open discussion about what OWS has accomplished, what it has not, and whether its direction might instigate a reorganization of society. We will emphasize the theories—explicit and implicit—on which OWS has been based, examining some ideas advanced by David Graeber, Marina Sitrin, Rick Wolff, and other popular speakers, as well as its practice in relation to working class and other struggles.

“Is OWS anti-capitalist because it adds “capitalism” to the list of evils in the world?  Is every left movement doomed to replicate the separation between thought and activity that characterizes life under capitalism? These questions and more will be addressed as we attempt an evaluation that is largely absent within the OWS movement itself. All are welcome to participate.”

An audio recording of the meeting is below. The principal speakers were, in this order but interspersed with others in attendance: Mike Dola of MHI; Darren Caffey, an activist in university student organizations; Jodi of OWS’ People of Color Working Group and other groups; Amin Husain of OWS, and other OWS activists and writers for “Tidal”; and Anne Jaclard of MHI.

Play MHI Public Session on OWS now



Please read “FAQs about the Occupy Movement and Marxist-Humanism” in preparation for that discussion. Its title refers to the essay, “The Make-Believe World of David Graeber.”

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