by MHI
On October 7, Marxist-Humanist economist Andrew Kliman spoke in a Yale University colloquium about “Use-Value and Exchange-Value … and Value.” The colloquium was part of the Franke Lectures in the Humanities series, and connected to a Fall 2020 Yale University course on “The Value of Marx’s ‘Capital'” taught by Paul A. North and Paul Reiter.
Kliman discussed the classical economists’ opposition between use-value and exchange-value, and how and why Marx transformed the key opposition into one between use-value and value. The video of the colloquium is below. It includes introductions from the professors (starting at 0:06), Kliman’s 45-minute talk (starting at 5:00), and the discussion with the Zoom audience that followed (starting at 51:20).
Throughout his talk, Kliman referred viewers to the following sheet of quotations:
Quotations for colloquium on “Use-Value and Exchange-Value … and Value”
The full text of his talk (from which his oral presentation deviated slightly) is here:
Full text of “Use-Value and Exchange-Value … and Value”
You may also be interested in the forthcoming Radio Free Humanity episode about this colloquium.
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