by MHI
On July 28, Tom O’Brien and Lexi Dog Robot of the “From Alpha to Omega” podcast series interviewed Andrew Kliman of Marxist-Humanist Initiative. The interview has just gone online, in two parts––here and here.
The discussion between O’Brien, Dog Robot, and Kliman focused largely on the temporal single-system interpretation (TSSI) of Marx’s value theory, to which they all subscribe; intellectual honesty and intellectual standards; and the aggregate price-value equalities of Marx’s value theory. They also discussed “econophysics,” Raya Dunayevskaya’s Marxist-Humanism, and how the latter differs from the thought of C.L.R. James.
The first of the two podcast episodes commemorates a milestone, the 100th episode of “From Alpha to Omega,” which O’Brien launched in 2012. It is entitled “#100 The TSSI and the Critics w/ Andrew Kliman.” The second episode bears the title, “#101 Econophysics & Marxist Humanism w/ Andrew Kliman.”
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